Sunday 12 December 2010

It's been a while

I can't believe it has been so long ago since I last posted, time has flown by and so much and so little has happened in that time.

So what has happened; well in September the BBC took over the whole of our street and made it into a film set for something called Upstairs, Downstairs, apparently a popular 70's tv series about people going up and down stairs, seems a bit simple to me. Whatever, the film will be shown on Boxing Day I think, whatever boxing day is.
Cool car isn't it!
I tried to get into the picture but they said I was too modern, humpf.

Anyway, look out for the program.

If you've read back issues of my Blog you'll know I am very keen on snow and a couple of weeks ago I thought we were going to get lots, it was very cold and frosty, the TV was saying that lots of the country was snowed in and were was ours? Nowhere, we had a small amount one morning and that was it, I checked every time I went out but no, nothing. I think somewhere else stole our share. I will have to get an investigation going, Dog Poirot or something, oh well what do I know I'm only a dog.

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