Monday 9 March 2009

Leamington's holding up

This may sound sad but 2 years ago master and I counted all the shops which were empty or for rent in Leamington and we found that there were 33. Well with all the bad news and the so called experts spouting off on the TV about the empty High Streets we decided to do another count this weekend and guess what? there were 33 shops empty or with for rent signs! Spooky.

We noticed that there a bunch of shops that were empty 2 years ago are still empty now, also that our count this weekend included 4 new shops that weren't built a couple of years ago.

Back then Park Street had 4 shops available, today there is only 1 but that's just a relocation. Don't get me wrong, we're not complacent or gloating, we need to get people to keep coming to Leamington to shop so it stays the same or gets better, there are some great shops available and if the Landlords or the Estate Agents aren't too greedy these could be filled pretty soon.

Please people keep shopping in Leamington and tell all your friends to come and see us, especially me! Anyway what do I know I'm only a dog.

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