Tuesday 31 March 2009

Are some humans selfish or what? - Winge time!

The sun is out, green bits are coming on the plants and it is getting warmer and out come the selfish ones.

I've mentioned rubbish before but I must have another go! Humans sit on the grass in parks eating their food and when they finish they just get up and walk away leaving the food wrappers where they were even though they have to pass a bin to exit the park, I know where they are because they are positioned in a handy position for watering.

I go out whether it is raining, snowing, windy, cold and sometimes all of these things but when it is sunny a special breed of humans come out who think they have special privileges to the world this is compounded by younger ones that scream as my friends and I pass by minding our own business.
Big humans rush over muttering about uncontrolled dogs when it is their precious offspring that should be taught to behave and heaven help me if we should bark, any one would think we're poised to attack.
Can't the humans be taught to clean up and to respect other people and dogs, oh well what do I know, I'm only a dog.
P.S. No elephants found yet.

Tuesday 24 March 2009

So where are the elephants?

The other day I heard master say that there are Elephants in Leamington, I'm not sure what an elephant is but I'm told by a wise old dog in Jephson Gardens that the 3 statues by the restaurant are elephants.

I've checked them over and they're not very big but not so small that they could hide easily so I've been on look out ever since, I haven't come across any but maybe had a sniff of one, not that I know what they should smell like.

I've been everywhere looking, even across the river, I've checked behind walls, round corners, everywhere but so far nothing!

I'm not saying master is mistaken but but you never know. I'll keep looking and will keep you up to date if there are any developments.

Maybe Elephants are only a myth, what would I know, I'm only a dog.

Monday 9 March 2009

Leamington's holding up

This may sound sad but 2 years ago master and I counted all the shops which were empty or for rent in Leamington and we found that there were 33. Well with all the bad news and the so called experts spouting off on the TV about the empty High Streets we decided to do another count this weekend and guess what? there were 33 shops empty or with for rent signs! Spooky.

We noticed that there a bunch of shops that were empty 2 years ago are still empty now, also that our count this weekend included 4 new shops that weren't built a couple of years ago.

Back then Park Street had 4 shops available, today there is only 1 but that's just a relocation. Don't get me wrong, we're not complacent or gloating, we need to get people to keep coming to Leamington to shop so it stays the same or gets better, there are some great shops available and if the Landlords or the Estate Agents aren't too greedy these could be filled pretty soon.

Please people keep shopping in Leamington and tell all your friends to come and see us, especially me! Anyway what do I know I'm only a dog.