Wednesday, 24 December 2008


Loud bangs scare me a bit, this is because of an experience when I was a pupster, but that's between me and my doctor!

Because of banging I noticed that there are some little cars that go around town constantly making lots of boom bang boom noises so I thought I would pay some attention to them and I noticed several things.

The drivers must all be very poor because their windows are always open even in the coldest days and their radios are turned up loud creating the banging noises, surely they would pay for their windows and radios to be fixed, but maybe not because the way the cars shake with the noises I'd imagine it breaks the windows quickly.

There are quite a lot of these silly little cars around and they tend to meet up around the top of town, it must be social thing, there are usually lots of people in each car and they must all be disabled and unable to get out because they eat in the car and throw the rubbish out of the window even though they are close to a bin, must be sad for them being unable to walk properly.

They obviously get some thearapy for this problem because they put their cars very close together and smoke this strange smelling stuff which they share between cars, what ever it is, it doesn't help their sense of direction because they drive round and around the block very fast closely following each other, perhaps the one in front is trying to escape from the others, or maybe they are playing simple simon and trying to show how much they can make their wheel screech and the others have to follow, maybe that's to drown out the banging noises from inside the car.

I don't know, my master calls them winkers but I don't see why, perhaps I'm missing something, what do I know I'm only a dog

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