Tuesday 6 October 2009

What do experts know about Hot Dogs

I've been talking to Bo recently about the economic problems that we have had here and in the USA and he reminded me about an old tale about a Hot Dog seller so I thought I'd tell you it, are you sitting comfortably;

Once upon a time there was a Hot Dog seller with a stall in the outskirts of the city and he made very good hot dogs, so good in fact people travelled for miles and queued for ages just to have one of his hot dogs.

His Hot Dogs were so good he put signs up and down the road telling everybody how good the hot dogs are and as a consequence more people came to try his hot dogs and the queues got longer and everybody said how good his hot dogs were.

One day an expert banker was in the queue and when he got to the window he said to the hot dog seller "how come you have so many signs saying how good you are up and down the road, don't you know there is a recession on and so you should be careful about the amount of signs you use" immediately behind the expert was Robert Pesto from the BCB TV and he said " you can't be doing well at the moment there is a dramatic problem with the banks and stuff and you should remove some of your signs"

The Hot Dog seller being a simple man thought golly I'd better do as these people say if it's as bad as all that, so he removed his signs, and sure enough the next day trade was definitely down in fact he hardly had a queue for a long time. The Hot dog seller thought, gosh these experts were right, they must be clever.

One day another expert came to his stall and he said you make good Hot dogs you'd better put signs up telling people how good they are, and the Hot dog seller asked but what about the recession? and the expert said " oh it wasn't as bad as we thought is was going to be so don't worry" and so the Hot dog seller put his signs back up and the queues began to form again, especially as he made such good hot dogs.

The Hot Dog seller was so pleased he listened to the experts because goodness knows what would have happened if he hadn't taken his signs down in the first place.

And the moral to the story is, why would I know, I'm only a dog!

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