Thursday 18 June 2009

Latest Dream - Cycles

For those who have read my earlier blogs will know that occasionally I have strange dreams like the one described in November last year, well it has happened again! This time I dreamt about Cycle Lanes!! Bizarre I know.

Let me explain, I rather like barking at Cyclists, mostly because they seem to ride anywhere especially on the pavements and I always think they are trying to run me over.

The scene in the dream;

Council meeting in a fictitious town somewhere in England;

Goffer; The businesses of this town are concerned that the parking regulations are having an adverse effect on their trade and their ability to get good staff.

CJ: Who cares, the council elections are over so we can ignore everyone again for the next 4 years, anyway I've thought of another way to waste money and make us more important, Cycle Lanes!

Goffer: We've got some of those already and everybody ignores them, cyclists much prefer the pavements.

CJ: Ah, this one is going to be different, It'll run between the next town and this one along a major arterial route.

Goffer: Does anyone actually ride between the towns?

CJ: Someone must! But don't get bogged down in detail, this scheme is brilliant, we can use lots of paint and stuff and use a considerable amount of our budget.

Goffer: What about the one way streets in the town?

CJ: We can be seen to be saving money there, lets make the cycle lane contra-flow.

Goffer: Isn't that dangerous?

CJ: It'll give the ambulance drivers something to do. Anyway we can remove all the parking down those streets to make way for the lane. So what's the fuss?

Goffer: But won't that add to the parking problems everyone is concerned about?

CJ: Who cares, we'll look good for the green credentials and people would have forgotten by the time elections come around again and by then I'll have retired to Spain.

I awoke with a start thinking maybe there will be somewhere safe to walk again as there will be no cycles in the lane, well what do I know, I'm only a dog!

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