Sunday 23 November 2008

Christmas Lights

I thought as this my first post it would be gentle and about nice things;
I'm lucky enough to get lots of walks and the other night we decided to go through the centre of town and I've got to say I was impressed by the Christmas Lights of Leamington Spa.
They are all brand new and very sparkly, not like last years catastrophe.
I especially liked the Christmas Tree by the Town Hall and the lights on the Parade but as we walked round the streets we saw light shows projected on some of the buildings, very nice if not a bit too subtle at times but it was fun looking out for them though I was sniffing in corners most of the time, found some interesting things doing that but perhaps that's for another time. The lights made me very proud to be a dog about town.
My master wanted to write about something not so nice but we'll leave that till the next time.
Have noticed a Christmas Tree in a private house already, bit early? well what would I know I'm only a dog!

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