Thursday 19 February 2009

Recycling, is it worth it? - a winge

My master has only fairly recently got into this recycling thing.

Having had a brief discussion with a council person (maybe one from my dream meeting) he decided that as we live quite high, for health and safety sake, he would used a nice bag they provide instead of the red plastic box, well could you imagine him tripping up and falling down stairs as he couldn't see the steps ahead of him.

In the box you can put bottles, paper and card so he assumed it would be the same for the bag and so for a few weeks it all went quite well then one day we came down for our morning walk and our bag hadn't been collected though we could see the lorry just down the road.

Feeling brave (probably because I was there to protect him) my master went to ask them why they hadn't done our bag, apparently it was because we had a mixed bag and bags can't be mixed only boxes can, it's something to do with the sides of the bags being floppy and so they can't see what they are picking out of the bag and they might break a finger nail or something.

It was so obvious that you couldn't mix in bags they had an official leaflet that said so and obviously my master is a total idiot for not realising this, anyway they suggested they were more important than my master so he should learn his lesson.

Now every collection day my master separates the recycle bag into the different materials and carries them down the stairs to be ready for the guys with the nice finger-nails to collect them.

Imagine our consternation this week when we went down and one of our bags was missing, quite often the nice finger-nail men leave the bag in random piles further down the street, but this morning was different, some winker had come along in the night and thrown selected recycling bags and boxes into the basement flats courtyards down our road causing quite a mess including smashing bottles. Luckily it was our cardboard bag they threw so that was in one piece.

Did the nice finger-nailed people pop down a few steps into the courtyard and pick up what they could, no chance, maybe it would break their stilettos or something I don't know, so our card bag wasn't collected and as they don't come for two weeks it could have caused a problem if my master hadn't had a cunning plan.

Is all the aggro worth it, what would I know, I'm only a dog!

My new distant cousins

Hi Diane,
It was great hearing from you and thank you for linking the pictures of my new distant cousins to my blog, how cute are they but not ready to play yet, do you think they will like tennis balls?
Lana must be a proud Mum.
Hope you like my site? It's fun doing it but I keep on hitting the paws button as the fluff gets in the way!