Monday 26 January 2009

Leamington, centre of the world - official

One thing I really enjoy is sniffing and checking out the various objects I find on my walks, well the other day I came across a large rock with some writing on it, here's a picture;

Basically what it says is the centre of England is a nearby Oak Tree, I went and checked and yes there is an Oak Tree but it seemed very small so I helped it by lifting my leg, you never know any liquid might help it grow.

Anyway I heard somewhere that the centre of the world is based round GMT, whatever that is, which apparently runs through England therefore this tree being the centre of England is in turn the Centre of the world, therefore in doggy logic I've watered at the centre of the world.

How cool is that! Anyway what do I know, I'm only a dog.

Wednesday 21 January 2009

Parking - true story

We've just got a new neighbour, and a nice person he is. We met him the other day and he was telling us about his adventures with the council.

He needed a parking permit to park where we live so he went down to the local council taking with him proof of identity and ownership of the car.

At the reception he was given the forms and was told he needed to post the application with copies of his documents and a cheque or postal order for the required amount.

And where was he to post it to? yes the building he was standing in, so he asked if he could not just fill out the form there and then and leave it, apparently no it was against the rules but on this occassion it would be OK.

Several obstacles still stood in the way, i.e. copying of the documents and the payment.

There was a copier less than 2 metres from the reception but he couldn't use it as it was against the rules!

As the neighbour was a young guy he'd long ago stopped using cheques so couldn't lay his hands on his cheque book so asked if he could pay with his debit card, the receptionist didn't know but gave him a phone number to call to find out, the number was for the building he was in! After some polite requests he was eventually allowed to use an internal phone to the department.

If he was applying for a carpark permit they would be delighted to accept his debit card but as he was applying for a residents permit he would have to use a cheque or postal order.

At this point the neighbour gave up and went across town to the post office bought a postal order and stamp and posted it to them.

Lucky they were so helpful as it could have been a difficult task, but what would I know I'm only a dog.